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Weekly Wellbeing: Trying New Things

This week, I was thinking we could all try to do one thing (or more!) that you haven’t ever tried, but would like to- while being COVID safe of course! Sometimes, doing something new can be a little daunting. Whether it’s because you get worried of the outcome, how you’ll feel if you can’t achieve what you set out to do etc., these little voices in our heads can often prevent us from living our life to the fullest! 😁



Hopefully this week, we can all challenge ourselves to try one new thing. It doesn’t have to be big at all! It can be picking up a new hobby, trying out a new recipe, a new exercise, trying on new styles of clothing, trying out a new game, a new way of self-care- literally anything! Once you’ve done it, try reflecting on it by answering these questions



1)    How did you feel after you realised you were able to challenge yourself to do something new?

2)    Did you enjoy the new thing you tried? Why or why not? Whether you liked it or not, whether you achieved what you wanted or not- I am proud of everyone for trying it out!



Giving something new a go in itself is a big accomplishment! Maybe it taught you something new about yourself- If it did, feel free to share down below!


AnzelmoPosted 26-09-2021 09:01 AM


OnionPosted 05-10-2021 12:39 PM

This is quite a late reply but this lockdown I've been doing a lot more gardening and recently, I've been challenging myself to grow plants from propagation and seed. 


1)    How did you feel after you realised you were able to challenge yourself to do something new?


I was really excited for the results and was really happy that I found a potential new hobby. I think the fact that I've had success with germinating seeds has also increased my motivation to do more research into plants. 


2)    Did you enjoy the new thing you tried? Why or why not? Whether you liked it or not, whether you achieved what you wanted or not- I am proud of everyone for trying it out!


I have and am still enjoying gardening so far. It has given me a good reason to go out more, even if I'm restricted to my garden 😅. I really liked the challenge (which, I think is helped by the small success I've had 😁)

Emily-ROPosted 06-10-2021 01:11 PM


This is so lovely @Onion ! What type of seeds are you propagating? 💙

OnionPosted 12-10-2021 03:53 PM

I've germinated some Cootamundra wattle 'purpurea' and am in the process of germinating white and light purple wysteria seeds. I've also tried to propagate some wysteria cuttings although these will take a while to take root.

Cootamundra Wattle | Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea' - Native Plant Project


Wisteria floribunda 'Alba' (White Japanese Wisteria)

Philippa-ROPosted 12-10-2021 05:06 PM

Oh wow that's amazing @Onion - how are your seedlings going? 
There's a huge mass of light purple wisteria that's taken over a tree outside my house, and I think it's so stunning (though the poor tree underneath probably doesn't like it too much!)

Good luck - can't wait to hear how it goes. 😀

BerdNurdPosted 02-10-2021 11:57 AM

This is a great post @Anzelmo One thing else I wanted to add is that it is Mental Health month and Mental Health Australia has released this awesome calendar for young adults to help guide them in caring for and making their mental health a priority. I am aiming to do some reading today, as well as think about my mental health goals for this month.


Here is a link to the calenders!

AnzelmoPosted 28-11-2021 11:41 AM

So sorry for the late reply, Life got really busy 


But a mental health calendar sounds amazing, we could all use daily reminders to look after our own wellbeing!

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