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Special Discussion: National Reconciliation Week- Listening to stories

This week is National Reconciliation Week, and we thought it could be good to share some amazing stories in the form of TED talks, from the awesome people at Reconciliation Australia .


Listening to other people's stories and learning from their experiences is a great way to learn about the incredible diversity of culture and experiences that make up our country. I loved spending some time checking out these awesome talks, it made me realise how much I still have to learn and changed the way I look at the world. 



The journey towards reconciliation forms a significant part of Australia’s story, as do the stories of both trauma and triumph told by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


TED talks give us privileged access to these stories, told first hand in moving and motivating ways by diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals."



The video I'm embedding here is from the incredible Dr Anita Heiss



There's also some other amazing TED talks on their site like these ones here



Would love to hear about any other cool videos or stories you've come across - what does Reconciliation week mean to you? 

Janine-ROPosted 27-05-2020 03:38 PM


Bre-ROPosted 28-05-2020 11:24 AM

Thanks for posting about something so important @Janine-RO Love a good TED talk 🙂 

natalie1234Posted 03-06-2020 06:32 PM

Much has occurred since the beginning of the individuals' development for compromise, including more noteworthy affirmation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights to land and ocean; comprehension of the effect of government arrangements and outskirts clashes; and a grasping of accounts of Indigenous achievement and commitment.

Sophia-ROPosted 03-06-2020 07:33 PM
Hello @natalie1234, thank you for sharing such a thoughtful response. I think that you have brought up some very important things about this topic that we need to consider. I just wanted to let you know that I have edited your post slightly as there was a link that may have been accidentally posted Heart

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