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Exercise- how do you do it?

I'm not the best at exercising. Going to a gym just doesn't work for me. I just don't really have time to go and also i feel like the guy in the blue T-shirt in this video- even though I know on some level that people at Gyms are actually really nice and helpful!



BUT, when i do exercise, i feel better, random aches and pains go away, and life and my mental health are just more awesome.


So over the last year I've worked really hard at going from doing a tiny bit of exercise when i feel motivated enough to exercising every. single. day. And it's been great! Yay!


So I'm making a thread to think through tips and tricks to getting motivated to do a bit more exercise. Here's mine, share yours below!


1. Make it a habit- do a bit of exercise often and eventually it becomes part of the routine that you don't even thinking about, like brushing your teeth or having a cup of coffee in the morning.

2. Start small- instead of planning out a giant weight lifting routine, or making hours of time to go for a huge run, just make 10 minutes every day to do some push up, or run up and down the street. But make it a habit to do that little bit! (See1).

3. Make a public commitment- for me, telling two of my friends that I wanted to exercise every day for 2 months and saying I'd buy them both a really nice dinner was enough to make me actually get started... even if i still bought them dinner 😛

4. Make extra exercise part of something else you do- Instead of catching the bus or driving to work, i ride my bike. Instead of getting the lift, i take the stairs. Where i can squeeze extra stuff in, i do. And it helps 🙂



Anyway, enough about me. Share your exercise tips below!




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