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How to be a functioning human

Mid-way through being a teenager, a bunch of disabilities emerged/ made themselves apparent, including physical disabilities, autism and a heap of mental illnesses.


I can't look after myself.

I can't brush my hair. Can rarely shower. Struggle with eating enough foods that I don't get sick. I can't brush my teeth which I really should be doing.


I don't have enough NDIS support for daily living stuff because I look "high functioning' whatever the hell that's meant to mean. So I have support to leave the house, but not enough support to get to the toilet when my legs aren't cooperating so I just have to lie there holding on until I get enough energy to move.


Everyone keeps pressuring me to brush my hair and shower like they think I don't do it because I don't want to. They never try to help or make things easier. They just make me feel like shit and then leave.


I don't know what I'm meant to do. Or like... I know what I'm meant to do but can't do it and no one will help. And it took me days to write this because every one makes me feel so bad about it that I'm ashamed to talk about it. I don't want a bunch of people talking about how disgusting I am I just want help.

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