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Hi @MB95 


I'm sorry to hear that your dreams are disorienting you so much.


I'm not entirely sure, but it sounds like you are having dreams in REM sleep. When you have dreams in REM sleep, they feel very vivid and real. I've definitely had dreams that have impacted my mood in the past. Like sometimes, I have a dream that I've argued with someone, and I wake up feeling upset at them, and even though I know it's not real, I still feel slightly upset throughout the whole day. Although, the feelings do not take over if that makes sense, I might just feel it initially and then it becomes less intense. However, I know that people can be quite affected by their dreams, so you aren't alone, and I'm sure we'll hear from some other users who have had similar experiences. It's interesting that you're having dreams about pleasant things. Correct me if I'm on the wrong track, but when you wake up, do you feel sad because that dream is not reality? Or is it because you miss the people you see in your dreams? I've had that before where I wake up and wish that my dream was reality.

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