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Anyway I'll get the ball rolling


Autistic Self Advocacy Network Australia and New Zealand

For my fellow Autistics, ASAN is an organisation run by actually autistic people. This is apparent in everything from their word choice to their policys. It's really nice to finally see something from an autistic point of view.


The Ehlers Danlos Society

Got weird connective tissue? This is a great place to start. EDS is a series of genetic connective tissue disorders, and apparently they're fairly rare, so finding resources can be a pain, The EDS Society also provides resources for people with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder, a similar connective tissue disorder.


SANE Australia

Support and resources for people with chronic and complex mental illnesses, such as scizophrenia, chronic depression and OCD.

They also work to educate the public and reduce stigma. I've found them to be pretty cool.


Developmental Disability WA

Support for people with and families of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities, including autism, down syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome. Honesty there's a whole list of disabilities included, so it's worth checking out.

EDIT: The services are just for WA, however they have some good looking resources. 



My personal favorite, an autistic-run stim toy store. No ableist language, which is a huge plus, but also a really good place to browse stim toys if it's the first time you're looking.

It's designed for autistics, but if you've got ADHD, sensory processing disorder, or think that stimming might be good for you, I strongly recomend looking.

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