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Hi Everyone!! How are you all?


How did you first hear about ReachOut and when did you decide to get involved on the forums as a user?

- I first heard about ReachOut when I was at school during our wellbeing week; I decided to get involved when I felt like I was losing myself and didn't know what would happen. I felt I could help myself with the forum, the decision I could also help others at the same time.


What's your favourite post thread?

My favourite post thread would probably have to be.. umm. I honestly don't know, maybe the mental wellbeing one!!


Why did you decide to become a Builder?

I decided to become a Builder to help myself and others. I felt and thought others may be going through what I went through; and I can guide them and give them tips on how to handle the situation; while providing support and empathy 🙂  

Even though it is online, I thought about my work and my resume while considering becoming a builder.


What do you do during the day (Study? Work? Hunt ghosts? Fight Crime? Taste cupcakes?)

I'm currently in my last year of school, so study and sometimes bake as well! 

When I leave school, I'm thinking of opening my own business and ven taste cupcakes daily!


Do you have any weird hobbies (Train a rubber duck army? Teach lizards Spanish? Learn how to the master the recorder?)

My weird hobbies:

- Walking my pet chickens around the yard on a leash

- study stream


What's you're all-time favourite TV show?

Too many too choose from 😄  , So I listed 3

- Kath and Kim

-Gavin and stacey

-Home and away

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