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Hey @Betty123


Firstly, I hope you're feeling alright today ❤️

Thank you for sharing how you've been doing and I'm so sorry you've been feeling so anxious lately. 


Panic attacks can be really scary and exhausting. And I can understand why you feel that starting to have them again is a setback. I really like how @Anzelmo put it- "taking one step back to take two steps forward". I know a lot of people say this but it's so true. Recovery isn't linear- it goes up and down.


It must be really hard feeling like you're going back on the 'down' part again, but I'm really proud of you for doing the first step of heading back 'up'- acknowledging it and letting people know (us on these forums) to get some help. 


What things do you do to help you calm back down after a panic attack? Have you found that a particular thing helps you most? 

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