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Hi @Tanko I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling the greatest. I can only imagine how overwhelming and draining this must be for you. Firstly, as you mentioned your mental health hasn't been great and you are not feeling the greatest, I was wondering if you've been having thoughts of suicide? It sounds like there is a lot going on right now and so I just wanted to check. 


You are not a burden in the slightest! In fact, we appreciate you reaching out here and sharing with us what has been happening for you. You mentioned that you noticed your mental health lacking since the end of year 8, do you mind me asking if something happened around that time that may have contributed to these feelings? 


I'm also sorry to hear that your anxiety is through the roof. I am very familiar with anxiety and so I know just how horrible it can make you feel. If you are interested in having a bit of a read, we do have some really good articles on Anxiety that might be of some help. It does worry me though that you have lost your appetite and have been skipping meals. When do you think this may have started? I am also just wondering if maybe there was someone you felt comfortable talking to about this as I feel that it is a lot to be dealing with on your own? 


I just want to remind you that you're not alone and we are all here for you 💜

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