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thanks @Anonymous I've really enjoyed chatting to you and I can tell that you are an insightful person as well who is very thoughtful about the world 🙂 When I wasn't in paid work and I was volunteering, I did the same thing, I would tell people my volunteering was my job. because it was! Plus, it is none of their business if you're being paid or not for what you do!

I like what you're saying about acceptance. in the world of 'hustle culture' we aren't allowed to believe that we're doing the best we can, or that we have any limits. very powerful to be able to accept "in this moment, I'm not ready" or "I can't work any harder than this." The other day I decided to ask work for some time off. It was so hard, but I had to accept that I simply can't go to work right now and that I need to look after myself.

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