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Hey @Peach_Duck


I am sorry to hear that your parents are fighting so often 😞 It can be so difficult to see the ones we love treating each other so poorly. Not to mention, it can really bring down the mood of everyone else. I don't blame you for feeling so impacted by this. It sounds like you are really aware that this may be a trigger for some of the behaviours you experienced last year. It sounds like that isn't really something you want to fall back into again. I think it is really great that you are able to reflect on that, even though I imagine it must be really confronting. And even though it wasn't what you hoped, you have tried some things to take your mind off of things which is amazing too. Do you think you would feel comfortable telling your parents about how you have been feeling lately?


It sounds like you are really conscious of things getting worse and are looking for some other ways to support yourself. One thing that can really help is talking to a professional like a psychologist or a school counsellor. Is this something you would be open to doing? Do you currently have any supports at the moment? Whether that is a trusted adult, teacher or other family member? If you ever need support and feel like you can't wait, we have a list of services you can access here


When things at home are not going well, sometimes putting in headphones to avoid listening to the arguments can help. I know it doesn't stop the arguments themselves but it can help give your brain a little bit of a break from all the mess. 


I hope that helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. We are here to listen 💖



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