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Hey @Peach_Duck


It's been a while and I also just wanted to check in with you. How have you been the past week? Have things been any better?


The first thing I want to say is that I'm so proud of you for turning things around back then and for trying so hard to maintain that positive change. I know it must be really difficult when you're feeling down and so many things are going on around you with your parents... but you've perfectly done step 1 which is to be self-aware and notice when things might be going the wrong way, and step 2 which is to want help and figure out things like going to the gym which may help. 


I'm really proud of you for that! I would also say that maybe you could try and find a new hobby that requires you to be out of the home? Or plan out more activities you would enjoy outside like going to the movies, rollerskating, going on walks/runs, etc. 


I hope you're ok ❤️

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