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Hi Akinna, 
It sounds like you’re going through such a confusing period and I know how much courage it takes to open up about this so thank you for sharing! Reading your post was comforting to me as it was something that I related to. I too was diagnosed with bipolar 2 during high school and was in similar position once I graduated so I understand how challenging and confusing it can feel! 


It’s weird being the one in control hey? I know for me I had so many mixed feelings towards it – it can be scary, confusing, and it also can be exciting. It feels like such a shift from what your used to and its completely new territory. 


I know it feels like there’s so much pressure from other people but like you said before, you are in control! I found it very scary looking so far into the future (and still do) it can feel like we’re expected to have a big plan of what our future looks like at such a young age. I often thought what now? It’s hard to make these decisions while we’re still navigating through this chapter in our lives and still finding out who we are. I know for me, I found it helpful to focus on myself and what I liked, and I’m still learning who I am! 


Do you have any hobbies or is there anything that you’re passionate about? Or is there anything new that you want to try? If you don’t that’s okay – it just means that there’s endless new things that you can try until you find what you’re passionate about, and it’s such a great feeling when you do! 


I know you mentioned that you're seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist, have you shared these feelings with them? If you haven’t I really encourage you to, I know it takes a lot of courage to open up about these feelings and I’m already really proud of you!

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