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Super frequent scribe

Hi @Courtney-RO thanks for the articles I'll be sure to read them all


I guess the strategy that I do is just forgetting about it for a while by focusing on other things until my brain suddenly reminds me, I think the reason some of the people didn't want to approach me may be a mixture of closed body language(I was trying to seem open), them all being in a small friend group and that I'm a year level above, bit of context is that my friend was away for the term and I was too scared to approach them so I just sat a bit of a distance away from them hoping they would notice, they approached me once before, gave me a gecko said "you look lonely, here" gave me a gecko and left


I haven't had a chance or even thought about talking to anyone about this since I find it alot easier to talk about it online with people I don't know on a personal level, I tend to keep things to myself as much as I can which I know probably is not healthy in anyway but I worried if I tell someone (in person) it may change how the view me or think differently about me which I know that most likely wouldn't happen but is still a big thought.


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