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Hi @eTkettle09 , it’s nice to hear that you have managed to finish writing the eulogy, I imagine it wouldn’t have been an easy task for you to confront. Also nice to hear that you might have an opportunity to see your aunty soon, I really can see just how important she is to you. 


You mentioned that your mental health issues have skyrocketed recently, would it be helpful for you to talk more about that here? I wanted to point out that feeling as though your mental health is spiralling out of control at the moment is truly understandable in the circumstances you are facing. Dealing with the loss of a family member and having someone close to you experience a serious illness is a lot for one to handle. And having feelings of grief and all other emotions tied to it are completely normal and OK right now. 


I’m not sure if you’re up for reading articles at the moment, but thought i’d share some that I thought might be helpful. Here is one about working through grief and one on tips for coping with hard times. No pressure to read though, feel free to do whatever is manageable for you at the moment💛


Just wanted to remind you that as tough as things are at the moment, you don’t have to face it alone - the ReachOut community is here for you.

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