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Hey @Pine_Leopard I’m so sorry you're experiencing this right now. It sounds like it has been an incredibly difficult time for you and so I just want to say that we are so happy you reached out to us. We truly are so lucky to have you here. Having to cope with a breakup is hard enough, but then to add Exam time and seeing your ex on top of that, that's A LOT! So I think its completely understandable that you're feeling this way. I just want to say that you're feelings are valid, and you're allowed to take some time out for yourself right now. Do you mind me asking if you have been able to share these feelings with anyone else?


I am just wondering how you are taking care of yourself with so much happening. It can be really easy in such stressful and hard times, to forget about ourselves, so I just want to remind you that you are important. I'm not sure if you're up for it at all, but we have a really great article on Ways to look after yourself if you would like some ideas on things you can do.


I am also mindful of the impact this must all be having on you, so I just want to remind you that you're not alone and we're all here for you. In saying that, if you would like to talk to someone, it might be worth reaching out to a service like Kidshelpline who are available via phone and webchat at any time 💜

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