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Hi @Red_Flamingo ,


Sounds like you have been on the uni assignment marathon! I'm sure there are many who can relate..... all those days and nights working on assignments, thinking about them all week until the day they are due, procrastinating, but knowing they need to be done. And as soon as they are due, you are hit with the next one! I guess this is expected and you will perhaps feel 'lost' at the end of your course 🙂


I read you had a challenging evening at work with abusive people. I can see it from the father's point of view too - wait times with a sick child can be quite scary. At the same time, you should not be copping any abuse from anyone. Were you able to debrief to someone about it after? Perhaps it's good to speak to them about what could be done in such circumstances.


As for seeing a psychiatrist for the first time, it's hard to say because no one is the same. I guess they ask a few questions, see what medication you are on, gain a bit of context and they may change one's meds. But as I said, this is different for everyone. This article may be helpful if you scroll down to What's it like to see a psychiatrist? It may answer your question. 


All the best with the appointment.

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