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Casual scribe


Hi everyone, I thought I'd just share how I feel about this topic, because phones have become a super common thing in our lives today, and I also wanted to know what you guys thought about it.


So pretty much everyone in my year has a mobile phone, and I am one of the very few who don't have one. I have a iPhone 5, and it is TINY so of course, when everyone brings out their 13's and 14's, I get teased because of my itty-bitty 5. I feel insecure whenever people bring up phones, and I wish my parents could buy me one, but we are currently doing renovations on the house, so...


I am thinking about buying my own, but they're really expensive, and I'm not exactly rich when it comes to pocket money (I have about $200 but I'm not that far along to getting a phone when you think about it). I do have a babysitting service, but I live in a small town in regional NSW, so I only get a couple jobs a month. I know I should probably get a more reliable job, but I don't know any jobs that would interest me, and like I said, I live in a small town, so there aren't as many options as I'd like there to be. 


I also find it dumb that kids younger than me have iPhone 14's, when I barely have a proper one. That's crazy! I realise the whole world now is kind of ridiculous, with six year olds on Tik-Tok, 12 year olds owning professional gaming PC's and consoles and as I have mentioned before, kids owning phones they can't even hold in their tiny hands. 


This has just been on my mind for a while now, so I thought I'd get it out into the crazy world that we live in.


Can't wait to hear what you guys think of this!!


**ALSO** If you have a favourite topic (Disney princesses, Star Wars, the Simpsons etc. etc.) I'd love to hear you guys vote on one to do for a Who Am I game coming up SOON!!


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