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 Hi @AndyDufresne


It’s really frustrating to have people you thought were your friends treat you poorly. The things you want out of a friendship are completely reasonable. I think that a lot of the time highschoolers are just kind of immature generally especially with friendships. You seem to want something a bit deeper.


As Chole mentioned high schools are very limited when it comes to the number of people, so it is entirely possible to not find anyone that is a good match for you. Are there any school clubs that you’re interested in? I managed to make some friends through the music program.


Headspace also have a bunch of youth activities/event where you could potentially meet people who’ve had similar experiences to you. There should be one close to you. As mentioned by Chloe, footy may also be a great way to make friends. It really depends on what you’re interested/comfortable with.


As for what I look for in friendships. I need friendships that are stable in the sense that if we don’t speak for a while, nothing has really changed. I like people who are thoughtful, accommodating, and can make me laugh. I choose people that I just generally think are good people and who treat other people well.


Best of luck!

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