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cost of living

hey guys, I've been really worried about this cost of living crisis. So far, I have been managing, but I just received an email today about a massive rent increase. I just want to cry. My mum doesn't want to stay here at that price. But, I'm so worried about where we will go. I have heard it's so hard to get a rental at the moment. Right now we live in an inner city suburb. I can't drive so I use public transport (because I'm disabled). If I don't live close to the city I can't get to all the places I need to go, like to go to my hobbies, to my psychologist, to hang out with my friends. But, I don't have a high paying job and can't work full time (because I'm disabled). And now with the cost of living crisis, I can't afford to live in the city - because I'm disabled! Life is so unfair for everyone, but especially having a disability. Over the past year, I really worked hard to build my life here, but it can just get taken away from me because some corporation wants to squeeze more money out of their investment property. When I think about it too hard, it really gets me down about capitalism and the state of our society. Why doesn't the government do more to help people? Why does money rule our lives? I always think, why can't humans just be happy and free in the jungle, like other animals! haha. Well, I'll have to figure something out. I've moved house every year since 2017, so what's one more time. At least I work from home so I don't have to worry about a commute.

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