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How to cope with roommates

How do I cope when one of my roommates when she came out at 11:30 from waking up at whatever time she did? I've been awake since 7:50. I asked how she is, and she says something perceived as positive, but her body language and speech give off anything but positives. I'm unsure how to apporch it like I don't want to be rude if I say something, but when she has a not very nice attutiud I feel as if it's towards me and then it gives me negative feelings. I genuinely just wanted to say hi and see how she is. 

Now, it gives me a bad feeling and makes me upset. I'm not sure why. 

I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense. 

Now she was yelling to her dad on the phone, and I went out to ask what was wrong, and she said it's fine. Now she is yelling to her mum on the phone. Ahh I don't know why it's making me sad. Like not sad for her, but sad myself. I now want to cry. 

I'm safe - KHL if I need it. 

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