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Hey @Green_Forest welcome back to the community ❤️


It sounds like things have become quite complicated since your last post and I'm sorry to hear that it's taking such a toll on you. Having your parents not understand how you're feeling and the level of distress you're in only adds to a hard situation of not being able to see someone important to you. It sounds like you really want to find a way to communicate to your parents how you're feeling about their decision, we have an article on how to get your parents to really listen to you which may be helpful. 


I also wanted to commend you on your recovery journey. It can take ups and downs especially in moments like this where it feels so hard to manage the pain. I was wondering if there's been anything in the past which has helped you to manage when things are so tough?


We're also sending an email to check in, can you keep an eye out for that?

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