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Super frequent scribe

actually kinda annoyed right now

so i'm pretty sure i have sensory issues and they've been getting really bad recently. i had to fold and rip up paper for school and i had to stop halfway through because it was so uncomfortable. textures really suck and so i've been gagging on nearly every meal i've eaten. a couple days ago i was eating my meal and i threw up in my mouth but i swallowed quickly so my dad wouldn't get mad at me. he still saw and immediately started yelling at me. he said "could you stop that?? you're not gonna be able to eat any food!!" it really confused me because how am i supposed to control my gagging?? and also how does me gagging affect my ability to eat other foods? anyway it seriously pissed me off because tell me why my family is smart in every regard accept the issues that i fucking have. what am i supposed to fucking do. i tried to bring up my issues with my mum once but she said i just wasn't a strong eater like she was and i would just have to get better. not only this but i fucking hate eye contact it makes me so so uncomfortable but my dad screams at me about how rude i am for not making eye contact. grrrr this is really annoying me

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