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Community Manager

Hi @Mango_Frog, welcome to the ReachOut community, it’s great to have you here 😊 Big kudos to you for creating an account and making your first post - two great achievements right there!


I’m really sorry to hear what you're going through right now. Hopelessness and sadness can be so overwhelming, especially when they seem to come out of nowhere and don’t seem tied to a specific reason. It must be incredibly confusing and disheartening to feel this way after achieving something so significant like completing your university studies.


I can see that you have strong support from your girlfriend and therapist, which is really important. I know you mentioned that you don’t always talk about your sadness with your therapist, as you’re focusing on other areas right now. Given how much your sadness is affecting your motivation and enjoyment, I’m wondering how you would feel about bringing this up with them? 


I’m also wondering, during times when you’ve felt a bit better, even briefly, what has helped? Are there any things, big or small, that have provided some relief, even if just for a moment?


If you’re up for a read, we have an article called ‘Why am I so sad all the time?’ that might offer some information or strategies to try that you may have not yet considered. 


Thanks for reaching out here, the ReachOut community are here for you 🌻

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