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Holiday Blues?

The holidays are a useful time to get in some self-care, connect with loved ones, and reprioritise yourself after a tough year. However, many of us find the holidays difficult. There’s a lot of pressure to make the most of time with family, go travelling and relax all at once. A lack of structure and routine can make it difficult to unwind, or you may find it lonely to not see friends regularly. It might also feel weird to take time out of your life to do nothing when you’re usually driven by productivity! 


There are a few ways to tackle your time off while still getting some much-needed rest. Some ways you can fill in your holiday schedule include:

  • Sticking with regular habits, like sleep routine or activities. Getting a healthy amount of sleep (not too much or little) can help keep you healthy, or you might want to exercise at the same time or amount as you usually would during the school term. 
  • Step away from doom scrolling. Make an effort to get outside when you can, or try watching an informative video rather than hours of reels.
  • Try a new activity which gets your brain working, like puzzles, drawing, or learning a new hobby off the internet.
  • Keep in contact with friends. Leave the messaging apps for a while and try some other ways to connect, like meeting up in person, going to a new cafe or playing a game. If you can’t get together in person, some platforms like Discord offer minigames within the app, or you could watch a movie together online!
  • Try volunteering your time once a week. You may find a local bush regeneration site, an op shop, nursing home or food kitchen to work at. Seek Volunteer can also give you some ideas. 


Now over to you! What do you do in your holidays to make them enjoyable?

Stormy-ROPosted 09-01-2024 09:40 PM


sognarlyPosted 16-01-2024 10:45 PM

Hi @Stormy-RO, thanks for your insightful post! Sometimes I find the holidays to be overwhelming, especially because my family has several birthdays around this time of year. It is lovely to see everyone and I enjoy all the quality time but as someone who needs alone time to stay sane, it can be intense for me. I've found taking little breaks to enjoy solo activities to be very important - even if it is just going for a walk and listening to a podcast, or having a bath. 

RaraPosted 11-01-2024 10:39 AM

Hi @Stormy-RO

During the holidays I find it hard to relax because of my busy lifestyle, these are some great suggestions to try. Often during the holidays, I try to do something for myself at least once a week, whether catch up with friends, go for a walk, try a new restaurant etc. I will also often read and spend more time baking more complex recipes. 

Blueberry_KuduPosted 10-01-2024 01:46 PM

Hi @Stormy-RO

Thank you for this post! I will try to incorporate some of the things you listed into my daily routine.


Some things I like to do during my holidays/uni semester break are reading, catching up with friends, trying to cook new recipes and keeping active as I don't get a chance to do these things very often when uni is on.

Howl42Posted 10-01-2024 12:50 PM

Hi, @Stormy-RO , During these holidays, I've put a focus on learning/playing new board games I've never played before. It's a good way to get my brain working, especially if they require strategy, and also a good way to spend time with friends/family at the same time. I also try and spend the holidays reading books and baking! 🙂 

Orchid_MallardPosted 09-01-2024 10:45 PM

During the university semester break, it's hard for me to do much as I'm usually finishing assignments or writing reports. But during the holidays, I do try to start and finish some new and old sketches to be turned into digitial artworks.

Lemon_DolphinPosted 09-01-2024 10:07 PM

I like reading during my holidays but I haven't been doing that much during these ones. Instead I've been doing a lot of writing and listening to music.

I also like going on walks with my friends which I did quite often in December, but because I'm away, I can't anymore.

Stormy-ROPosted 09-01-2024 10:44 PM

Hey @Lemon_Dolphin thanks for sharing! That's awesome that you're being so creative 😊 


It sounds like not being able to see your friends at the moment is a change from what you'd usually like to do. Are you still able to stay connected with them while you're away?

Lemon_DolphinPosted 09-01-2024 11:07 PM

I have been able to message them, just to tell them what we've been up to. But I also feel like a bit of a burden when I message them often. So I haven't been talking to them as much as I would like to.

Carnation_SnailPosted 09-01-2024 09:52 PM

Hi @Stormy-RO,


I love to bake during my holidays, I find that in the university semesters it is quite hard to find time to do things like baking because there is such little time. I love to bake lots of things however, my favorite thing to bake is New york style cookies!🍪


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