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Hiii everyone, im new and looking for a friend.

hi everyone, im zoolie and dont have any kind of disability or anything (that has been diagnosed), but my friends think i have OCD and i think they might be right, i have researched the signs and symtoms and i have a lot of them, i think i may also have Depression. just wanted so see if anyone has any similar experiences. thx byee! 

ZooliePosted 11-09-2023 05:37 PM


AcidMonster55Posted 12-12-2023 04:51 PM

Hi @Zoolie sorry for the VERY late reply but I'm autistic and have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I also got told I might have OCD but haven't been diagnosed yet. Have you talked to a GP about this? They may give you a few pointers on what to do next.


How have you been this week?

lillypondPosted 13-11-2023 06:45 PM

Hi Zoolie i'm really happy to hear you have such supportive friends they can make a huge difference when things are tough and exploring things can be tricky i hope that you can find what your looking for here,i'm autistic and have struggled with experiences and questions related to identity and have experiences related to depression myself and am also looking for friends always happy to talk if you need someone to reach out to 🙂

Lapis_AnteaterPosted 13-09-2023 03:18 PM

Hi @Zoolie 


It's really great that you have such a supportive friend! It can make such a big difference when things are tough.


If you can, I would recommend speaking to a mental health professional. I have been diagnosed with OCD as well as many of the related conditions. I found that many of the symptoms of OCD overlaps with many other diagnoses such as various anxiety disorders (GAD, specific phobias, panic disorders) and autism. This made it really hard for me to figure out what was responsible for the symptoms I was having. It took quite a while for my psychiatrist and I to work out I had OCD because of these overlapping symptoms/diagnoses. Being diagnosed allowed me access to the right treatment and find significant improvement so it was worth it in the end.


Best of luck!

lillypondPosted 13-09-2023 09:52 AM

Hi Zoolie i'm autistic and also struggle with depression and anxiety from time to time but always happy to be friends and always willing to listen if you need someone to talk to. i find that fidget toys are great if you need something to fidget with from time to time 

Zig_ROPosted 12-09-2023 12:59 PM

Hey @Zoolie,


Just wanted to check in to see how you feeling today. 


OCD can be a tricky topic to navigate so i thought you might like some resources to read over, here is an article we have on everything OCD related. Please fill free to let me know if its helpful 🙂 


Today we are also presenting a Weekly Well-being on OCD and what it's like to live with the Disorder. If you have time this could be a really insightful and interesting thing to look over.


Please let us know if there is anything else you need, we are here to support you.

Pho-ROPosted 11-09-2023 10:29 PM

@Zoolie sounds like you have some very supportive friends, which is definitely awesome to hear. It can definitely be confronting to explore a diagnosis like OCD and feel that you resonate a lot with the symptoms. I'm so glad you found this space so you can connect with others who might resonate with what you're going through! 


Do you think you would benefit from seeking a formal diagnosis? It can definitely help, though it can also take time, so do take it at you own pace. Diagnosis can help us to get a better understanding of ourselves, and also aids greatly with getting the right treatment. 


I hope you find what you're looking for in the forums and make some wonderful connections along the way - and we'll be here to support your mental health journey as best we can too 😊

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