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TW : Boyfriend issue - preconcieved notion

I've had this preconceived notion of people who use drugs. Until i find out that my bf uses these things occasionally.


Weed: occasionally (6 times a year)

Mushrooms/LSD: (once a year) 


From the very beginning i made it clear that I didn't want him to do those things. But recently it's been brought to light that he's felt controlled about this and even just alcohol use (I get nervous when he drinks - even in a safe dose and environment)


I've had 0 interaction with these things and people who use them. and my bf has said that he's lost his freedom to do what he wants. Since this interaction has been a bit fresh (this all came bout a week ago or two), the first couple days have been whether or not I leave him over this or not. But both of us have seen that I've, yeah, had 0 interaction with and don't understand it and I've decided to educate myself on it. 


My friend who used to think the same as me but just has met more people (she doesn't do anything), had also said that I needed to expand my mind on this topic. 


I've thought about this for almost and every single day and plan on going to my psych on what to do next with this issue in our relationship. 


I'm so tired 😞

angrylozengerPosted 11-02-2023 03:19 PM


Iona_ROPosted 13-02-2023 02:17 PM

Hi @angrylozenger


I can understand your concerns about your boyfriend's drug use, and think your feelings are very valid. It can be really difficult to navigate a relationship when you have different views or experiences. I wanted to pop in and share some resources with you that you might find helpful. It's really great that you are keen to learn more so you can make informed decisions about this topic. We have some articles here on drugs and alcohol that might be helpful, or Positive Choices has a range of different factsheets you might want to check out too. ❤️


Chloe-ROPosted 11-02-2023 04:18 PM

Hey @angrylozenger ,


Thank you for sharing this with the RO community. It is important that you have enough understanding to make informed choices about whether you want to proceed with this relationship or not. Perhaps, something to consider is the REASON he uses these drugs. Has he mentioned why before? It sounds like perhaps he is does not see drugs as an issue in his life. 


As you said, it is probably good to be able to speak to your psych about this. They will have more insight into the effects drugs can have on people and what this may mean to you.


All the best.

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