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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

suki234Posted 13-10-2021 04:19 PM

1. Today I missed my bus.

2. I watched Lord of the Rings this past weekend. 

3. I can't wait to go on bike rides with my friends when it gets cooler.

4. I should be going to bed now.

5. I have 4 hours in one of my classes tomorrow😕

Emily-ROPosted 18-10-2021 03:25 PM

I'm sorry you missed your bus! 

Which Lord of the Rings did you watch? 😊


unicorn123Posted 02-10-2021 12:55 AM

1. I had a really squeaky voice when I was little, cos the tip of my tongue would not reach the top of my mouth and so had a surgery

2. I have held Olympic torch

3. I was commended in Australian parliament for reaching National finals

4. I have seen a shooting star

5. I hate vegemite 

Emily-ROPosted 06-10-2021 12:21 PM

Hi @unicorn123  😊

When did you hold an Olympic torch? 😮 That sounds so amazing!


oni_beePosted 08-09-2021 10:01 AM

1. I listen to ALL genres of music - my most fav artist is Mitski!!

2. I got my hair dyed at home and wanted it to be blonde, but it became orange instead 😅

3. My favourite comfort snack are mushrooms with melted cheese on them 😋

4. I have a rlly soft spot for frogs with flower hats

5. I am the shortest among my friends (standing proudly at 147cm)

Emily-ROPosted 08-09-2021 10:45 AM

Hi @oni_bee@oni_bee !
Oh my gosh no way!! What's your favourite Mitski song? 😊


oni_beePosted 08-09-2021 10:51 AM

haha!! I love all her songs, but at the moment 'Your Best American Girl' is my fav 😄

Emily-ROPosted 08-09-2021 01:48 PM

Oh my gosh that's such a good tune! Love meeting fellow Mitski fans! Such an underrated talent 😊

yeah_it_tahtpersonPosted 05-09-2021 05:16 PM

1. I hate silent reading because I like books that aren't novels.

2. I miss going out.

3. I believe trains are the superior method of travelling

4. I like hoodies

5. I prefer individual sports over team sports (aside from table tennis lol)

rumi1207Posted 25-08-2021 08:20 PM

1. love russian literature 

2. obsessed with animal - fav animal atm are kingfishers - theyre so tiny and cute 

3. want to dye my hair bleu 

4. always sleepy 🙂 

5. always bubbly

Emily-ROPosted 27-08-2021 09:59 AM

Hey @rumi1207😊 Oh my goodness, what type of Russian literature are you into?


Also, I love kingfishers! They're so beautiful and they come in so many different colours!


rumi1207Posted 27-08-2021 02:53 PM

hey @Emily-RO


Lovely to meet you! I love reading Dostoyevsky novelrs 🙂


That kingfisher is adorable!! 😍

Emily-ROPosted 01-09-2021 10:12 AM

Oh wow @rumi1207 Dostoyevsky sounds amazing! I did some quick googling and I like his philosophy! What would be your favourite book of his? 😊



rumi1207Posted 02-09-2021 07:52 PM

hmmmmmm, its a hard one, but at the moment i would say notes from underground 🙂 

Emily-ROPosted 03-09-2021 01:56 PM

That sounds amazing! I'll definitely add it to my reading list 😄 Thank you.

My friend really loves that book too and their favourite is The Stranger by Camus - have you read it?

rumi1207Posted 03-09-2021 07:42 PM

i have read it! your friend has an awesome taste in books! 🙂 what books are you into reading (if you are into reading)?


Emily-ROPosted 25-08-2021 10:42 AM
  1. I love video games! 🎮 They're so much fun and they come in so many varieties! I love chill single player games as well as fun multiplayer ones with my friends.
  2. I don't like tomatoes 😔 But I'm trying to like them because they're in everything!
  3. I have a dog named Chicken 🐣 Weirdly the name suits him so well haha!
  4. I dream of being a water bender 💧 I absolutely love Avatar and would love to control water!
  5. I love hugs 🤗 They're definitely one of my love languages!

Mulberry_OwlPosted 23-08-2021 08:38 PM

1. I'm an immersive daydreamer. 

2. I have this habit of making anagrams out of random words I see.

3. I think peregrine falcons are the coolest animals ever.

4. It hurts my heart watching Brett and Eddy drink bubble tea because it's been aaaages since I've had any (lockdown ya know).

5. I have a major pet peeve against inconsistent formatting in worksheets from school and when I see them I get really annoyed for no good reason.  

Emily-ROPosted 25-08-2021 10:33 AM

Hi @Mulberry_Owl😊 It's lovely to meet you!

Immersive daydreams sound fun! What do you normally daydream about?

Also, I agree - peregrine falcons are definitely the coolest birds! The fastest in the world 💙


Mulberry_OwlPosted 25-08-2021 10:54 AM

It's complicated 😅 The gist of it is that my daydreams are set in this parallel daydream world, which is incredibly detailed.  It has thousands of years of history, its own traditions, geography, languages, lore and laws.  My daydreams usually revolve around the lives of a few of my main paras (term for daydream characters) and how they interact with the world.  It's a bit like reading a book, except that there is no text.  It's all narrated from my inner monologue and I visualise things as they happen.  My current daydream world has been with me for more than a year now and I have emotional connections to my paras.  Although it's a fantasy parallel world, I find that many elements of the real world are present in my daydreams as well, but in a different form.  

Emily-ROPosted 25-08-2021 11:20 AM

Oh wow! That sounds so interesting 😊 Something that I love about reading books is that I have to use my imagination quite a bit to visualise the words on the page. But it sounds like you do that when you're not reading books too! 😮

Do you have a favourite para? 

Mulberry_OwlPosted 25-08-2021 04:32 PM

Yeah I guess so. There are several who I look up to, mostly the 'adult' ones. They're some few millenia old (timelines work differently in my world 😳) and are generally pretty wise. There's another para whose perspective I most often daydream from. She's one of the younger ones and I know her the best out of all my paras. I usually picture her as looking somewhere around the 12-13 age range, but she's some 800 years old haha. Recently I realised that she was kind of like an unconscious embodiment of the duality of things, like experience and inexperience, wisdom and naivety, professionally and playfulness. At any rate, she's the one I feel the strongest affinity to. 


Emily-ROPosted 25-08-2021 04:56 PM

That's so interesting @Mulberry_Owl😊 it's like something from the most vivid fantasy novel! All the paras sound so detailed. Do you feel like your affinity to her is because you can relate to her? Is it ok if I ask what her name is?

Mulberry_OwlPosted 25-08-2021 05:52 PM

Yes I think it has something to do with that 🙂 She has some of the flaws and insecurities I have, but I acknowledge her as her own person and not my alter ego. Sometimes daydreaming from her POV helps me deal with my emotions and worries. As for her name, I named her Quicksilver after the protagonist of Foxheart by Claire Legrand. Tbh many elements in my daydream world have been inspired by it. It left a huge and lasting impression on me, especially the character of Quicksilver - morally ambiguous, mercenary, stubborn and prickly as a cactus, but also brave and noble and determined to the very end. I'd say she's an unusual protagonist, and she grows a lot over the course of the story. She really stood out to me among other literary characters.

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