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Guess Who?

🤔 🔍

Ok! So I'm going to think of someone and then you can comment any yes or no questions to help figure out who it is.

Feel free to guess when you think you might know it! 


I'll pop the answer here - in case you give up & really want to know, or if anyone else wants to take the role of answering the questions. But no cheating please!




If you would like to start one too, make sure to use the ⚠️ spoiler ⚠️ function to hide your answer 😁


Iona_ROPosted 01-06-2022 01:14 PM


Iona_ROPosted 03-11-2022 11:03 AM

Nope! 🎵

Midnight_SquirrelPosted 05-04-2023 04:21 PM

Hmmmm this one's HARD!! Extremely tempted to open the spoiler! But of course, my self control still stands!!



I'm going to ask...are any of her songs SUPER popular?? 

Iona_ROPosted 12-04-2023 02:31 PM

Definitely! One of her more recent songs went pretty viral on TikTok too 😊

Midnight_SquirrelPosted 04-05-2023 08:14 PM

Ok...are some of her songs explicit or is she a no-go-swearer?

Iona_ROPosted 24-05-2023 03:00 PM

She definitely has some swear words in her lyrics! 🤐

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