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Getting reals

Join us for this live chat with our community mods! Each fortnight we’ll be discussing a different topic.

[CHAT]: Emotional Support Animals

I think most of us can agree pets play a significant role in most people’s lives, but what about those people who heavily rely on animals for their everyday emotional wellbeing.



If you have ever had any experience with an emotional support animal and/or a therapy animal, or you simply want to learn... read more

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[CHAT]: Goals and Goal-Setting

So, goals are good. We get told it from our school, by our parents and by society all the time.




We get told that life is a simple progression from setting, goals, achieving those goals, and then setting new goals. Achieving goals guarantees success, and success guarantees happiness, right?


do it.gif


But, wh... read more

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LIVE GR: Youth Week Edition (23rd of April 7:30PM AEST)

This week, we will be celebrating Youth Week by having a special edition GR!

Young people are important, and Youth Week is a time where we recognise the unique issues affecting youth and strive to get our voices heard. We are powerful and our future matters.




Join us for a very special chat made just... read more

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Live GR: Labels, labels, labels (Friday 19th of March, 7:30pm AEST)

Hello everyone! How are you all going?


So.. we decided to reschedule our live GR this month for the 19th (this Friday) so we'd have more time to prepare. Sorry about that- we appreciate your understanding! 🙂


This Friday we'll be chatting about everything 'labels'. But what do we mean by 'labels'? We... read more

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LIVE GR: The Stigma of Struggling (17th of February 7:30PM AEST)

One in five Australians aged from 16 to 85 experience a mental health issue in any given year. While support seeking is growing, with around half of people seeking treatment, we still have a long way to go.



It's hard enough trying to get through the day when we're not feeling our best. But a lot of... read more

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Live GR: All About Adulting, 7th of October, 7:30pm AEST

Hey everyone! How's it going? 😄


You guessed it! We'll be having another Getting Real chat this coming week on the topic "All about Adulting"! We'll be chatting about things like what does it mean to be an adult and how we can tackle some of the pressures that come with 'adult life'


cat adult.jpg


I'll be interes... read more

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SLOW-MO GR: Being kind to myself (18th to 22nd of January)

Hi everyone! How are you going?


It's almost time for another slow-mo GR and this time we'll be talking about being kind to ourselves. Being kind to ourselves doesn't just mean the cliche self-care bath and face mask (although it certainly does include this!). It can be how we talk to ourselves, how... read more

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Live GR: Bringing in the New Year (Wednesday the 30th of December, 7:30pm AEST)

Hey there legends! It's almost the end of 2020 so we've decided on a topic to fit that! I hope you're all doing okay, and it's okay if you aren't- I hope you can reach out and talk to someone (and of course, we're here for you if you need!)


So this coming Wednesday the 30th of December at 7:30pm AES... read more

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SLOW-MO GR: Coping with holiday stress (14th to 18th of December)

Hey there everyone!


It's almost the end of the year and for many people that can mean holidays (this might mean a break from school, uni, or work). And holidays means you might be going away, seeing family, singing merry songs and drinking hot cocoa, right?


Well... no. Holidays can be a very stressf... read more

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Live GR: What is happiness? 2nd of December, 7:30pm AEST

Oh hey there! Yup, you guessed it again! It's almost time for another LIVE Getting Real!




This coming Wednesday we'll be chatting about what is that thing called happiness? How do you find it? Can you buy it?


Is it okay to not be happy? Is it okay not to want to be happy? (yes!)


Anyway, maybe I shou... read more

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[CHAT]: Physical health and exercise

Just like mental health, physical health is an important part of our overall wellbeing. However sometimes, it can be a little challenging to get active:




There are lots of ways to exercise and look after our physical health - you just have to find one that works for you. That might be a team sport,... read more

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LIVE GR: Moving Out of Home (11th of November 7:30pm)

Moving out of home can be an exciting time. It can potentially enable us to experience a new culture, spend more time with friends, partners or extended family, be more closer to work or study or give us a sense of freedom and independence.giphy

But it can also be challenging. Who knew there was so much t... read more

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SLOW-MO GR: Managing Money (19th to 23rd of October)

Money, money, money…Some people are rolling in it. Others don't even want to think about it.


Earning money is a part of growing up, but it can be pretty overwhelming. A lot of us are also struggling with our finances right now due to living through one of the worst recessions in years.



Whether we hav... read more

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LIVE CHAT: Accessing Mental Health Support Online - Thursday 23 April

Please note we are running this chat on Thursday 23 April - not Monday like we usually do.


With all of the changes happening in the world at the moment, we are needing to use technology in so many different ways. Catching up with friends, working from home and medical consultations are just some exa... read more

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SLOW-MO: Coping with Study Stress, 21st-25th of September

Hey guys! 😄


Starting tomorrow the 21st of September, we're going to be running a week long chat about coping with study stress! Heart



I know for a lot of people studying right now, this time of the year is starting to get super busy with assignments and in the lead up to exams. A lot of people are stil... read more

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Live GR: Identity and Self-Acceptance, 9th of September, 7:30 pm AEST

Hey everyone, I hope you're all going okay 🙂


Get excited because we'll be having a live Getting Real chat on 'Identity and Self-Acceptance' this Wednesday at 7:30pm!


who am i.gif


We'll be exploring the meaning of identity and self-acceptance and why they can be so important to us. Where does our sense of ident... read more

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