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Accepted Into Further Study!

Howdy everyone!


I hope you are all having a lovely week so far 😊


I'm just popping in to announce that next year, I will be officially doing a Diploma of Mental Health and a Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs, which is really exciting news! Being a builder here on ReachOut has certainly driven me to want to complete these diplomas; you're all wonderful.


I'd love to know what things you are all looking forward to next year, yes I know it's October, but I think having things to look forward to in the future is so important 🤗 


Also, if you have done study involving mental health for example, I'd love to hear your experiences or even some tips or resources that were useful 😁


- Matcha_Toad 🐸🍵💚

Matcha_ToadPosted 03-10-2024 03:20 PM


Catlover101Posted 07-10-2024 11:31 AM

@Matcha_Toad OMG!!! So exciting!

I am hoping to get into my psych honours year for next year. I will have to wait and see after this exam period

Love a queen in mental health!

dewgongPosted 06-10-2024 09:44 PM

A big congratulations @Matcha_Toad ! It's amazing to hear your experience here led you to go into those degrees. I finished an honours in psychology at the end of last year and my biggest tip would be to prioritise your self-care while you are studying and keep checking in with yourself. There can be some really heavy topics when it comes to mental health and you might not think it's affecting you, but it can be really easy to burn out. It can also be easy to become discouraged or disillusioned so definitely set some solid self-care routines that you will be able to maintain throughout your studies - would love to hear about how you self-care (drinking matcha perhaps? 😆). Another study tip I have is to study with others if you can! It helped me so much to know others were in the same boat and even though sometimes we spent more time chatting than actually studying, I got so much more out of assignments when working on them with my peers and gained so many different perspectives. 


I really have no idea what I'll be doing next year but I'm hoping to get into a clinical psychology masters program. They are really competitive though, so there's no guarantee that I'll get in. But I'm looking forward to the potential prospect of starting my masters and finally being able to actually give people therapy. I am also hoping to relocate to a different state so I am looking forward to exploring a new place and making new friends in the new city I move to. 


Best of luck with your studies! I'm really excited for you 🥳

Figuring_outPosted 06-10-2024 06:01 PM

Congratulations🎉 @Matcha_Toad  for getting into diplomas.

I am currently in my second year of Bpsych and being an international I am looking forward to visiting my country in the summer breaks. I just need to get done with my exams.

I love how you said being a builder has helped you find your path. I hope it helps me too somewhere in the future😅 as I have recently joined this community.

Good Luck with your Diploma😊   

Scarlet_LocustPosted 04-10-2024 06:50 PM

@Matcha_Toad Big congratulations, that's amazing!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Thankyou for sharing your exciting news with us 🥰


I'm just finishing up my undergrad psych study this semester but ironically there isn't a heap of mental health content in the undergrad degree 😂. I have done mental health first aid though! My tip before you start would be to take a little reflective time just to think about your own experiences and any triggers you might have! Mental health learning can have the potential to be pretty confronting especially is you're someone who has had certain lived experiences. I think it's really great to just be ready so that you can look after yourself as much as possible, and so that you know when you might need to step out/give yourself some extra care 💛


Next year i'm looking forward to starting my honours degree and getting to do some of my own proper research in an area i'm really interested in!! I'm also very excited to listen to all the new music that i'm anticipating my fave artists are gonna drop next year too! Oh and also i'm excited to watch my puppy grow up too 💗

Lapis_AnteaterPosted 04-10-2024 04:44 PM



Congratulations! That’s huge. You’re always so caring and provide such thoughtful responses on this forum so I’m sure you’ll do great.


I’m looking forward to being a bit closer to finishing my degree 😊. Just before the end of this year my friends will have our annual Christmas/birthday celebration meet up. Should be good!


I’m a big proponent of the pomodoro study method. Basically, you study for 25 minutes and then take a 5–10-minute break. After four study periods, you have a bigger 20–30-minute break. It’s easier to pay attention and not burn out from too much information.

Green_GhostPosted 04-10-2024 11:23 AM

Congratulations @Matcha_Toad💚

It's so exciting that you're doing these diplomas! Do you know what career you want to use them for in the future?


Next year I'm looking forward to working at a job that I actually like 😇 once I get a new one haha.


When studying mental health definitely remember to look after yourself, some content can be heavy 🙂

Marimo-ROPosted 03-10-2024 05:02 PM

Hiya @Matcha_Toad

Congratulations on the enrollment!! 🥳🎊  I'm so glad that being a Builder in the Online Community has helped you to decide on your next steps! 🙌

Something I'm looking forward to for next year is learning more about myself! I feel like with every passing year, I'm becoming better at identifying my emotional needs and trusting my gut instincts!

In terms of study tips, I would have to go with flashcards. They were super helpful in helping me find areas that I needed to study more for. Also, reminding myself to take breaks!

I hope both diplomas go smoothly for you!!

Look forward to seeing you around in the community!

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