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Goals for the new year?

Hey online community,


What are some goals you have for the new year? For instance - I would love to learn more about Tarot cards, and I would love to finally secure a new job 😊


What are your goals for next year? 💜

(Remember that it's also okay not to have any goals!)

Green_GhostPosted 24-12-2024 12:35 AM


PotatoLeafPosted 27-12-2024 03:31 PM

Hi 🙂 

Yes! Tarot cards are fascinating


I'm starting uni so my goal is to make more friends ~ and probably be less shy than I was in school 

RaraPosted 27-12-2024 11:51 AM

Hi @Green_Ghost


These sound like some solid goals.

 My goal is to continue with my goal from this year, which is stepping outside my comfort zone and improving myself. I've already started making the effort literally today. I have also found that for Christmas I got new towels and bed set which for me is a great way to be like this is the start of a new year, new challenges in some way. 

Matcha_ToadPosted 24-12-2024 03:33 PM

Hey @Green_Ghost


Can't believe it's Christmas Eve today haha, time truly has flown by 😆


I have a few goals for next year! One of them is getting back onto HRT to affirm my gender identity☺️ Another goal of mine is to start up a small business ☺️


I truly hope that next year you can achieve all of your goals!


- Matcha_Toad 🐸🍵💚

Appel_banappelPosted 24-12-2024 12:45 PM

Oo good one. I definitely want to try and run 10kms next year, I managed to get to 5kms this year so fingers crossed the next 5 won't be too bad 😅. And we'll see if my second one is too ambitious but I want to try and finish all my uni assignments a day in advance (which means really working on my procrastination). 


Good luck everyone on their goals and don't forget how far consistent small steps can take you 🥾

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