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Tell me about something that made you smile recently!

Hi lovely RO community,


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


I thought it might be nice to create a thread where we can spread some positivity and spread the good vibes. So, tell me about something that made you smile recently! It can be something small, or something big, I want to hear about it! 


I'll go first!


Last Friday I had a full day at work and I was having a pretty stressful start to the morning. I'm a coffee fanatic and halfway through my work day day my dad dropped into my workplace to bring me a coffee. He said that he was just passing through the area and thought of me. This absolutely made my day, partially because I really needed the extra caffeine hit, but mostly because it made me feel really cared for and loved. It's moments like that that make me feel so overwhelmingly grateful to have such thoughtful people in my life.


Another thing that's been making me smile a lot recently is my new puppy!!! She's very very cute, and is always delighted to see me! I've been spending a bit of time training her over the last week, and lately whenever she does something I've been training her to do she'll run over and smile at me as if to tell me that she's just done something good. It's so so sweet 😊


I find that this kind of reflection is really great in that it prompts me to practice a bit of gratitude, but also acts as a really great mood-booster too.


Looking forward to hear about everything that's been making y'all smile recently! 🌻💛



PS I did indeed post this a couple days ago in 'something's not right' and only just realised so I'm just reposting here now!! 😂


Scarlet_LocustPosted 09-09-2024 10:30 AM


formulafrenzyPosted 16-03-2025 09:13 AM

Hii @Scarlet_Locust and community! 


Pets have so much soul and personality - they don't even realise how special they are ❤️


Shout out to my bird. I was stressing over work and he suddenly calls me a 'good boy' and laughs. Literally makes my day every. single. time. 


I fully understand the feeling when your dog ran over to you with a smile on her face 🐶


SteadyStepsPosted 08-03-2025 11:21 AM

I was reading outside yesterday and a ladybug made its way onto my book! 🐞


That made me smile 🙂

formulafrenzyPosted 16-03-2025 09:06 AM

I second this @SteadySteps!! 


Genuinely the most heartwarming feeling ever!

Blueberry_KuduPosted 07-03-2025 10:44 AM

Hi @Scarlet_Locust

Thanks for this nice and wholesome post! The thing that has made me smile recently is my dog, he makes me smile everyday haha

Scarlet_LocustPosted 09-03-2025 01:21 PM

Aww @Blueberry_Kudu !! So glad your dog has been making you smile lots. Totally agree with you here, my dogs make me smile everyday too haha 😊

starhlightsPosted 19-01-2025 09:04 PM

This is such a lovely and heartwarming thread - reading everyone's replies has truly put a smile on my face! 


For me, something that has recently made me smile is my artwork. I had been struggling to find inspiration for quite some time, but this week I finally came across a reference that resonated with me. It felt so rewarding to connect with it and dive straight into creating my piece!

Scarlet_LocustPosted 28-01-2025 10:38 AM

@starhlights Absolutely agree! Every time I pop back over to this thread I smile again, I love hearing about everyone's happy things 😁!! That's so cool that you do art! So nice to hear that you found something that really connects too, that sounds super rewarding. Also love the Bob Ross gif that one never gets old hehe.

SteadyStepsPosted 19-01-2025 10:12 AM

Hi @Scarlet_Locust,


The coffee gesture sounds so lovely! It's also great to hear your new puppy is bringing you joy 🐶


Something that made me smile recently was seeing some ducks on my morning walk by the lake 🦆


Wishing you an awesome rest of your week!

Scarlet_LocustPosted 28-01-2025 10:16 AM

Hey @SteadySteps ! Oh my gosh that sounds lovely, ducks are so cute!! 

Vizion101Posted 11-01-2025 01:21 PM

I have two things


One was my friend who needed a break from me asked for a hug while we were finishing up our painting day at the theatre


The other was me talking to this guy who I'm interested in but loves all the way in Finland so his accent when speaking English is actually the cutest thing about him 

Scarlet_LocustPosted 28-01-2025 10:23 AM

@Vizion101 hugs are the best! It's so nice to hear you've got a couple of special people in your life who are making you smile 😁. I also love interesting accents too, Aussie accents are pretty boring in my humble opinion, but perhaps that's just because I'm constantly surrounded by them lol.


Hermes-the-messengerPosted 11-01-2025 01:17 PM

finding a vid of me absolutly embaresing my self at a concert it made me laught so hard and I found it almost 5 months after the event 🤣

Scarlet_LocustPosted 28-01-2025 10:27 AM

@Hermes-the-messenger I love these kinds of moments!! I always forget to take videos at concerts but whenever I do and I play them back all I can hear is myself singing horribly 😂. Such good entertainment value!!

GemzPosted 25-09-2024 12:38 PM

Hi there!

What a lovely thread! It’s always heartwarming to share those little moments that brighten our days.😊

Your dad’s surprise coffee delivery is such a sweet gesture! Those small acts of kindness can really turn a tough day around. And congrats on your new puppy! Their joy is contagious, and it sounds like she’s already filled your life with so much happiness.❤️

Recently, something that made me smile was when I saw a little kid in the park lovingly looking at their mum. The pure joy on both their faces was just priceless! It reminded me how simple moments can create such big happiness.😊

I love the idea of reflecting on gratitude—it really helps put things into perspective. I can’t wait to hear more stories from everyone else! 🌼💛

Scarlet_LocustPosted 30-09-2024 06:32 PM

Thanks for your reply @Gemz !! I love what you've said about seeing a little kid looking lovingly at their mum - there's something really wonderful about observing small moments of tenderness and love in other people's lives and relationships. It's really the small moments that matter 🥰💕

Spring_MinkPosted 16-09-2024 06:19 PM

That's so sweet of your dad. He sounds awesome.


Oh I can't help it but whenever my bf texts me a picture of some old guys called Charles Dickinson or anyone with dick in there name, he won't stop after I suggested for him to read boyfriend material witch in the book the MC dose something similar, I know he probably dosent think  much of it but knowing he read it and thought to make a joke about it just makes me feel so loved. I can't help but smile. 

Scarlet_LocustPosted 25-09-2024 11:36 AM

@Spring_Mink Haha that's very cute that your bf thinks of you and sends you funny stuff 😂

RaraPosted 13-09-2024 11:01 AM

Hi @Scarlet_Locust

Thats so nice of your dad to bring you a coffee, espcially without you asking. 


Recently what made me smile is my nieces and nephews, my sister sends lots of photos through to me all the time. It always makes my day or even if I am having a bad day my sister will facetime me so I can see them. It makes my day so much better. 


Scarlet_LocustPosted 25-09-2024 11:38 AM

Aww @Rara that's so sweet, I love being around little ones 🥰

Lapis_AnteaterPosted 12-09-2024 01:52 PM

Hey @Scarlet_Locust


Aww that’s really sweet of your dad. It’s always nice to be appreciated. Puppies are just adorable. What breed is your puppy?


The sunshine and the flowers blooming everywhere has been making me smile. Today, I took a tram for the first time in a while. It brought back all the happy memories of travelling to school with my friends.

Scarlet_LocustPosted 25-09-2024 11:41 AM

@Lapis_Anteater My little puppy is a golden retriever 🥰!! The spring weather has been a big mood booster for me lately too🌞! Also big agree re school nostalgia being lovely.

Lapis_AnteaterPosted 25-09-2024 12:21 PM

Hey @Scarlet_Locust


Aww, adorable! It’s been so nice out.

SpitPosted 12-09-2024 01:01 AM

That's so wholesome!


Today I went on a hike and saw lots of native wildflowers. I really like wildflowers, and all though I only was ones I have seen before, I saw so many of them it made me happy to know that they are growing strong and healthy 🙂

Scarlet_LocustPosted 12-09-2024 01:01 PM

@Spit I love wildflowers too!! I agree that there's something so nice about things growing and thriving without necessarily being planted there by humans 😊

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