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crime fiction and mystery movies / tv shows

hey, I am a big fan of crime fiction movies and tv shows. So anyone who is also the same I would love to hear about it and if you have any suggestions for movies and tv shows for me to watch  🙂


H2463Posted 15-10-2019 06:26 PM


Jess1-ROPosted 06-11-2019 03:37 PM
Hi @H2463!

What tv shows and movies have you been watching recently?

My family recently started watching Criminal Minds. Before that we were watching NCIS: LA
H2463Posted 11-11-2019 08:40 PM

I have never watched Criminal Minds or NCIS. Is it good?

Jess1-ROPosted 12-11-2019 09:31 AM

Hi @H2463 I really enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, always kept you guessing!


Criminal minds is good, but I also find the topics a bit heavy sometimes so like to watch it with someone I can talk it through with 🙂 NCIS is fantastic! I also hear good things about Law and order, however I've never seen it.


Do you read crime books too? There are some great books out there too!

H2463Posted 19-11-2019 09:15 PM

I started reading NYPD RED-James Patterson but I stopped because I got busy. I need to start reading it again.

I am more of a movie/tv series person than a book person. I have recently started reading again which is helping me in school but nothing specific. Just like news articles.

Animallover2003Posted 20-11-2019 11:51 AM
I absolutly loved the Pretty little Liars show when I last watched it, I started watching The Perfectionists a couple of months ago and waiting untill the next episodes come out. Also Magnum PI is a favourite where me and my family get together at dinner and watch it. However, my most loved Tv shows that are not really crime of mystery related are Legacies, Charmed (The original and the newest) Supernatural, Supergirl, Crickey! It's the Irwins, American Horror Story and so much more. I've just started watching the new American Horror Story 1980's version and it's amazing.
H2463Posted 26-11-2019 07:25 AM

what do you like about PLL

H2463Posted 11-11-2019 08:37 PM

the most recent show I watched was How to get away with murder and I have started watching pretty little liars again. 

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