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sore in so much pain

i am in a lot of pain cus i dislocated both of my wrists on the weekend while punching my heavy core punching bag at full power which was very stupid and i need someone to chat with

LoganXPosted 30-10-2023 09:17 AM


Blake_ROPosted 30-10-2023 09:31 AM

Hey @LoganX 

I am very sorry to hear that! Have you been able to see a doctor or had it looked over? I can only imagine how much pain you must be in right now.  

I was also wondering if anyone else is aware and able to support you right now? In addition to the pain, injuring both of your wrists must make it really hard to do anything so you really deserve all the support available to you right now. 


I know that you also mentioned that you would like to chat with someone and was was wondering if there was anything you wanted to chat about? 


We will also be sending you an email today to check in. 
Look forward to hearing back from you! 

LoganXPosted 30-10-2023 09:33 AM

i'll be ok and yeh my docter had a look he said no martial arts for the next month which i am not happy about martial arts is my life and anything really

Blake_ROPosted 30-10-2023 09:44 AM

That's great to hear that you were able to see a doctor! It must have been really disappointing to find out that you can't do martial arts for the next month. How long have you been doing martial arts for? I remember a while ago you mentioned that you were teaching it, have you still been doing this? 

I think you also mentioned that you were into guitar - it sounds like you have some really interesting and great hobbies and sports. I imagine that it would be hard to play guitar given your injuries but I was wondering if there was anything else you do for fun or could do over the next month? 

LoganXPosted 30-10-2023 09:48 AM

yeh i have been teaching and doing martial arts for 11 years and no i don't

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