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Don’t know what to do with my life

I’m doing Isolation right now, because I’m positive and I feel the closest people to me are not that close actually, I feel I don’t have really close friends, so there’s nobody to be with right now. It’s also annoying the fact that nowadays everyone is really interested on what you have rather than what you are. I’m away from my family. And also I try to have a good hobby to do in this spare time but I’m really worried about everything and I cannot find anything interesting to do by myself. I hate the fact that I feel that I am not worth it if don’t have any company and it’s hard for me to find my self value while being alone. i want to learn how to overcome this feeling and find peace when I’m just by myself. 

Daniel_PandaPosted 01-02-2022 10:30 PM


Taylor-ROPosted 01-02-2022 10:49 PM

Hi @Daniel_Panda


Being in isolation can be so hard, especially while you are sick. It can be such a boring, lonely and upsetting time. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling really isolated from your friends and family. Have you been able to video chat with them?


When there isn't a lot to do, it is important to try to find small things to fill up your day like watching a favourite show, organising your house, cleaning, learning a new skill, cooking, baking or exercising. It can help to have a schedule, so that you feel busy and a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. What type of hobbies have you tried to do in your spare time? 


If you find that things aren't getting better, it is important to speak to a health professional. They can help you find ways to cope during this difficult time. There are also online services like eHeadspace which provide telephone counselling and webchat support.


Most of all, we are here to listen too 😃

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