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I'm so tired. I had work today and something on in the morning, so I've been out all day. Then I came home, expecting to cook dinner but it was already done. But instead of being able to rest or have a shower, I have more work my mum told me I need to do.


Yesterday was good but I ended it feeling gross with a bit of a headache. And I went on a walk with some friends. But one friend and I were walking behind. And he kept touching me on the shoulders to get me to look at him. And it would have been fine most the time, because he didn't mean it as anything bad and he's just a friend. And it wouldn't have bothered me probably. Except for my boss doing the same recently and I just done want people touching me at all. He didn't hurt me or anything, but it just upset me a bit.


And nothing really happened today other than feeling exhausted and a bit bad this morning, but on my way home from work, I felt pretty terrible. 


And I have heaps of uni readings to do before the end of trimester. And stressing a little bit about that. Cause I have heaps of readings to do and only a few days left to do them, and that's not counting the days at work.

And the other day, I was feeling dizzy on and off all day, and I'm wondering if I'm starting to come down with something cause one of my friends was when she was over at my house. 


I just want to go to sleep but I still have so much to do. Uni, piano, paperwork.

Lemon_DolphinPosted 07-05-2024 05:48 PM


Invictus-ErnestPosted 07-05-2024 06:14 PM

Hey @Lemon_Dolphin

Wow, seems like you have a lot going on at the moment and I understand how full on life can get so quickly. Someting I would absolutely recommend is to write a list of everything you need to do, and prioritise it. The urgent things, or with nearer due dates, complete them first, then slowly work your way down the list.


It's even more important to look after yourself at the moment as you said you might be coming down with something. Give yourself that time to fuly heal otherwise it might take a lot longer to feel completely better if you keep pushing yourself too far.


In terms of your friend touching your shoulders, and you not liking it. If it's something that is still playing on your mind, send them a text or talk to them next time you see them. Everyone has their 'off days' and something you may be fine with, you may hate the next, I'm sure your friend will understand.


I will say, I am so proud of you for pushing through the pointy end of the uni trimester, I know it's tough. And especially with winter now, I won't be surprised by a few people being taken down by a cold. Take the time you need to rest and recover, that way your body and mind will feel a lot clearer and will keep you going for much longer :))

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