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Life without meaning

As a second born living in a foreign land that was forced to be my mother land with a dad deploid to go and fight for the nation and only to loose touch with him mum has gone through surgery during giving birth and it's hard to continue with my studies challenges to even accuire enough resources to keep the ball rolling I feel like no one gets the kind of situation I am in ....I now am forced to stop my aeronautical engineering course at the University...I really feel like life is turning it's back on my family dreams and I really have to watch my dreams go indeed makes no sense to me 

Lemon_TurtlePosted 17-09-2022 06:26 AM


Dem--ROPosted 17-09-2022 12:37 PM

Hi @Lemon_Turtle,


This is a very difficult situation, and I can see how you are feeling discouraged and under an enormous amount of stress. It's completely understandable that this is upsetting to you, so please know that you are not alone.


I'm incredibly sorry for what you are having to deal with and the impact that it is having on you and your schooling. Was there any support services available to you through your University?


As we are an Australia-based service, you may need to look online for available resources in your local area. I've sent you an email with some additional information.

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