Hey @Mixedmuffin I wanted to thank you for coming online and sharing how you're feeling. Being open and honest about your struggles is not easy and I hope it helps to be able to speak about it.
It sounds like you've been going through some tough times with your health and mental health. I'm glad that your faith has been able to support you when you're feeling like this. Do you have anyone in your life that you can talk to about these things? If you are looking for some professional support, Kids Helpline and Lifeline offer 24/7 anonymous phone and webchat counselling. You might find it helpful to connect with them when things are tough.
I'm sorry to hear that your doctor told you that your diet sucked, it's so hard to hear people say things like that. You're not a loser if you're trying your best and I can see that you have a lot of strength in managing all of these struggles together. If you ever wanted to talk to someone about body image and eating or to find some resources, the Butterfly Foundation is a great place to start. Hopefully it helps to know that you're not alone in feeling this way and there are people who understand and want to help.
It sounds like it's been a tough couple of days after you went to hospital yesterday, I was wondering if you have anything nice planned for yourself or some self-care you can do?
We're also sending you an email to check in, so can you keep an eye out for that and respond when you get the chance?