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TW my head right now

hey i don’t really know how to start this so i’m just going to blurt everything out 

i’m literally so stupid it’s not even funny i’m in year 11 and i did a test to see what year i’m meant to be in and it said year 4 that’s crazy that’s when my younger sisters were born and i started talking care of them and i wasn’t getting enough sleep so i wasn’t learning and now i’m so far behind i don’t even know what to do i failed year 8,9&10 then i dropped out and i’ve joined tafe to try get my year 10 diploma or something but i literally can’t do it i’m so sick of myself and the way i explain shit it seems like i’m begging for attention or for someone to tell me i’m not stupid but i don’t want that so i can’t talk to anyone i know damn i just realised i was supposed to be writing about my problems with addiction then i started rambling on but whatever it’s fine reading this might be confusing because i just type exactly what i’m thinking as i say it so i don’t even remember what i wrote 2 minutes ago i actually think there’s something wrong with me i’ve been begging everyone that’s looked after me to get me diagnosed so i know what’s wrong but no one believes me i know i’m depressed and i have been for a long time i don’t need a diagnosis to figure that out and i’ve got really bad anxiety that makes everything worse because i’m so afraid of every single person i can’t go out alone i can’t even just go to the shop alone it’s embarrassing

when i was on drugs near the end before i got clean i was so paranoid i could hear literal conversations people were having about me and laughing at me but now i know none of it was real but it’s stuck with me i think i still imagine what people are saying and there not actually saying it but my trust is so bad to

i’m gonna come back to this tomorrow and finish i’m just really tired right now so i’m going to sleep 

Peach_CheetahPosted 21-02-2024 10:09 PM


Lily_ROPosted 21-02-2024 11:08 PM

Hi @Peach_Cheetah , welcome to the ReachOut forums, I'm really glad that you came to reach out here. It takes a lot of courage to open up about what you're going through, and I want you to know that you're not alone in what you’re going through. 


It sounds like you've been through a lot, and it's completely understandable that you're feeling frustrated and exhausted. Taking care of younger siblings at such a young age, while also trying to manage your own well-being and schooling is a huge responsibility. 


I’m sorry to hear about the struggles you’ve had with your studies. Feeling like you're behind academically can be incredibly tough, and while it can be difficult at times to not be hard on yourself, it’s important to remember that everyone's journey is different. You're taking steps to improve your situation by pursuing your diploma at TAFE, and that's something to be proud of. 


Dealing with addiction, depression, and anxiety all at once is incredibly difficult and a lot for one to handle on their own. Have you ever spoken to a GP or mental health professional about any of these concerns? 


I’m sorry to hear that those around you haven’t believed you. Please know that your experiences and feelings are valid, regardless of whether or not you have a diagnosis. 


Is there anyone in your life supporting you through things at the moment? Is there someone you trust who you are able to talk to about what you’re going through? 


In case you’re needing to talk to someone tonight, I wanted to share Kids Helpline with you. You can reach out to them over the phone or online chat at any time of the day/night. 


Thank you again for sharing your story with us, we are all here for you. 


Ps. I have edited your post and added a TW and a spoiler to align with our community guidelines. Also, we’d like to check-in with you via email, so please keep an eye on your inbox. 

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