Hi @Peach_Cheetah , welcome to the ReachOut forums, I'm really glad that you came to reach out here. It takes a lot of courage to open up about what you're going through, and I want you to know that you're not alone in what you’re going through.
It sounds like you've been through a lot, and it's completely understandable that you're feeling frustrated and exhausted. Taking care of younger siblings at such a young age, while also trying to manage your own well-being and schooling is a huge responsibility.
I’m sorry to hear about the struggles you’ve had with your studies. Feeling like you're behind academically can be incredibly tough, and while it can be difficult at times to not be hard on yourself, it’s important to remember that everyone's journey is different. You're taking steps to improve your situation by pursuing your diploma at TAFE, and that's something to be proud of.
Dealing with addiction, depression, and anxiety all at once is incredibly difficult and a lot for one to handle on their own. Have you ever spoken to a GP or mental health professional about any of these concerns?
I’m sorry to hear that those around you haven’t believed you. Please know that your experiences and feelings are valid, regardless of whether or not you have a diagnosis.
Is there anyone in your life supporting you through things at the moment? Is there someone you trust who you are able to talk to about what you’re going through?
In case you’re needing to talk to someone tonight, I wanted to share Kids Helpline with you. You can reach out to them over the phone or online chat at any time of the day/night.
Thank you again for sharing your story with us, we are all here for you.
Ps. I have edited your post and added a TW and a spoiler to align with our community guidelines. Also, we’d like to check-in with you via email, so please keep an eye on your inbox.