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Update- Court sentencing.

Hey all, have been on much recently, due to mental health and being overwhelmed etc, everything is just such an effort and it's absolutely draining 😭.

Honestly so bloody lost, today I went to court for sentencing my sis and I read our victim impact statements and there was a LOT of talking between the crown prosecutor, judge and defence solicitor, now we have to wait 3 weeks so the judge has time to go through it all properly and give the final decision to how many years defendant is put away for.

Just wish it happened today but at the same time it's a good thing so we hopefully get the best outcome, the judge said she'll do this as it's common in most serious cases. So 🤞🏻 it goes well.

Anonymous_OwlPosted 08-03-2025 12:40 AM


starhlightsPosted 08-03-2025 07:57 PM

Hi @Anonymous_Owl 

It is really good to hear from you again. It is completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and drained. Going through court proceedings and writing a victim statement is such an intense and emotional process. I hope you and your sister are being kind to yourselves and taking the time you need to rest and process everything, especially with all the emotions that must come with waiting for the outcome.


Through all of this, I just want to remind you how incredibly brave you are. That is something that should never be overlooked. No matter what happens, your strength and the steps you are taking are so important. What you have been through, and what you are going through now, is valid. Nothing can take that away from you.


Sending you my best wishes.



Sky_StegosaurusPosted 08-03-2025 02:47 PM

Welcome back @Anonymous_Owl !


I can understand the amount of time and energy even just thinking about it. 


However, it's so good that you're using this forum as a way to vent stress, this whole situation is a big step for you and I'm glad you're remaining positive and despite your frustrations with the timing of the court dates, you can see the bright side of things.


I'm hoping for the best outcome for you too Owl!


~ Stego

formulafrenzyPosted 08-03-2025 12:27 PM

Hi @Anonymous_Owl


Thank you so much for updating us admist what sounds like a very busy schedule.


It shows that in taking the time to write this out, you may have reflected on your experience a little more, which can definitely help you feel a little bit more grounded. You acknowledge how a lot has happened but that it has a promising conclusion - which is very motivating and reassuring. Hopefully that has taken some weight off 😌


You're right - the legal system can be quite overwhelming. From impact statements, to staying on top of communication, to understanding all the terminology, and not to mention the length of it all!


Your perseverance admist this challenging time is shining through and I admire that a lot. If you feel like this effort is continuing to drain you, I would consider potentially reaching out to a peer worker for a one-on-one chat and getting some further advice. 


Keep at it! 



SteadyStepsPosted 08-03-2025 11:06 AM

Hey @Anonymous_Owl,


That sounds like such a heavy and exhausting process to go through. It’s completely understandable that you’re feeling drained and lost right now. Reading a victim impact statement in court takes so much courage, and you should be really proud of yourself for getting through that. 💙 


Waiting for the final decision must feel frustrating, but as you said, taking the time to go through everything properly could lead to the best outcome. Be gentle with yourself in the meantime—this is a lot to carry. You’re not alone, and the ReachOut community is here for you.


Sending you strength and hoping for the best outcome for you and your sister. 💙 

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