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I dont know?

My sister told me something the other day that hit me so hard and cut so deep. she must have thought it as a joke? and she says stuff like this all the time. she simply told me "You're not as skinny as you think you are" it doesn't sound like much but that hit hard and really brought me back. Recently I've been more confident in my clothes etc. and in a really good headspace but when she said that I really just feel like i was punched in the face out of nowhere. Idk where to go from here.

Green_FrogPosted 24-11-2022 03:02 PM


Courtney-ROPosted 24-11-2022 08:42 PM

Hey @Green_Frog and Welcome to our online community! It is so lovely to have you join us 😊


I am sorry to hear that your sister made these comments about you. That sounds like an incredibly hurtful thing to hear, especially from a family member. No one deserves to hear things like this, whether it was a joke or not. I can certainly understand why this may have hit you so hard, it really does sounds like such an awful situation to be in. Do you mind me asking if you were able to talk to your sister about this and shared how these comments have been making you feel?


If you are interested in having a bit of a read, we have a great article on Teasing vs Bullying and even What to do if you're being bullied. I wonder if maybe they might give you an idea on where to go next. In saying that, I am mindful of the impact these kind of comments might be having on you and wonder if anyone else knows about what has been happening? Is there someone that you might feel comfortable talking to about this? If you would like to chat to someone, Kidshelpline is available at all time via phone and webchat. 


I also just want to say that you're not alone and we're all here to support you 💜

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