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TW: I don’t eat because of my parents ☹️

Okay, so an incident has happened with my sibling and my parents, which has lead me to be on harsh terms with them. The last term of school was horrible for me while this was happening, and still continues to happen, even with my siblings. That’s not what I’m focusing on right now. But because of it, I stay up until  

4am and wake up at 2pm, one day even 4pm.

I am eating less, and considering that I am skinner than what I think is average/normal it worries me. This is bad. I know this is bad. Everything going on has been way too fucking much for me and I can’t hold on to anything when I can barely take care of myself. I take a shower weekly. I’ve stopped brushing my teeth. I don’t give a shit about what I wear and how I look. I’ve always hated myself a little, I’ve been self conscious of my flat chest, I’ve been aware of how fucking skinny I am, yet I continue to not care for myself.

Everything is happy until I’m left alone. there is tear stains on my pillow ffs. I don’t even feel comfortable in a call with some of my best friends because I am not happy. And now I can’t even eat properly, let alone wake up. And I hate myself for it.

Green_Stegosaurus_lolPosted 30-12-2022 04:25 AM


Iona_ROPosted 23-01-2023 03:01 PM

Hey @Green_Stegosaurus_lol

I just wanted to check in to see how you're doing? Have you been able to find anything that's made you feel a bit better over the last month?


I can definitely understand why the effects of not eating regularly would worry you. I'm wondering if you've been able to chat to your GP about this at all?


It might also be helpful to check out Butterfly Foundation. They specalise in support around eating disorders and body image. They have lots of infomation available, and there's the option to give them a call or chat to one of their counsellors via webchat 🙂


Has your sleep improved at all? We have quite a few articles on sleep issues, with tips on how to help. You can have a read through them here if you'd like to.

Taylor-ROPosted 30-12-2022 11:27 AM

Hi @Green_Stegosaurus_lol


Thank you for sharing. We are so sorry to hear that you have so much going on right now. It sounds like there has been a lot going on at school and home. We can hear how much this is impacting you and it sounds like you are feeling quite low and upset to the point where you can't look after yourself. It must be incredibly intense to be in this position as it sounds like everything has become a struggle. I am not sure if this is what you are going through, but we have an article on depression that includes information and some tips. This might be helpful for you or anyone reading who might be feeling a similar way Heart 


Just so you know, I have sent you through an email.

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