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confused in life

so i went to a public speaking workshop and impulsive bought the package that came along with it as it was heavily discounted, now I'm heavily second guessing it. times are tough, things are expensive so I'm usually very picky on what I spend money on but as I never did debating or public speaking I knew this was my chance, just not sure if the joy from this investment outweighs any potential travelling with friends in the future


idk I feel so moody, I wish o-week was sooner. its sad knowing I probably wont catchup with a vast majority of people I spent the last 6 yrs with, I left y12 wishing I took more photos with ppl

yeah_it_tahtpersonPosted 08-01-2025 08:34 PM


Green_GhostPosted 13-01-2025 01:10 PM

Hi there @yeah_it_tahtperson 


It's great that you're pursuing public speaking! I remember you talking about it previously, and how you were interested in it. I'm glad you've followed through. 


I understand times are really tough, especially with money. I also hate spending money on literally anything, even if it's a necessity. I think the most important aspect of this purchase of the public speaking package if that it brings you joy. If it brings you joy, then it's worth it. When I buy things that bring me joy I think of them as investments in my happiness, for the here and now.


Have you and your friends made any plans to travel in the upcoming year? Is there a way you could set aside some money in the upcoming months to go towards travel?


Best wishes with o-week and the public speaking, you will do amazing đź’ś

frogonthelakePosted 09-01-2025 05:04 PM

Hey @yeah_it_tahtperson 

As someone who has tried both debating and public speaking, and quit both, I'd say it's worth it:)

That must have sounded contradicting, I know, but just bear with me, because what I've earned from my own experience was more than just skills and knowledge (but like Calming_Waves said, it was really helpful for me too). Throughout my high school year participating in both debating and public speaking workshops, I've met a lot of cool people and made good friends. Usually the people in the these two communities are very knowledgable, so a conversation with them is often a good opportunity challenge your mind and expand your social circle through meaningful talks. 

The reason why I quit is because I didn't find the activities as enjoyable as I've thought. They were not made for me, I guess. But I also didn't regret it one bit. It was not only the social aspect that made my experience valuable, but also the chance to explore myself, what I like and don't like. As cliche as it sounds, I think that no experience (healthy ones at least) is not worth trying, and you'll earn from it in one way or another, even if you didn't enjoy it. And who knows, you might even like it more than I did. Life is an experiment anyway, if it didn't work out, it just didn't, and that's okay:) 

Calming_WavesPosted 09-01-2025 10:39 AM

Hi @yeah_it_tahtperson 


I understand second-guessing something you’ve already purchased. I find myself doing that often because big discounts are so attractive especially for the ones we’re so interested in. However, since you’ve already bought it, might as well make the most out of it. I did a public speaking workshop before, although not in Australia, and I really enjoyed it. My public speaking skills improved so much and I met friends from there too who I still keep in contact with. While you’re waiting for O’Week to start, I think this will be a great way to spend time and meet new people.


Wish you all the best and I hope you enjoy the workshop!

Marimo-ROPosted 08-01-2025 10:07 PM

Hi @yeah_it_tahtperson,


Welcome back to the ReachOut Youth Community! Thank you for your courage in sharing your experiences.

Second guessing a purchase is a very common experience and you're not alone in this. It sounds like even though you're unsure about the purchase, you're still able to look to the positive aspects of the purchase such as trying something new. Trying something new takes a lot of strength and the fact that you've made the first steps is amazing!

It's also understandable that finishing up with high school and transitioning into university can bring a flood of mixed feelings. It can be heartbreaking to part with people you've hung out with for the last 6 years. At the same time, I can see that you're looking forward to O-Week.

We have an O-Week survival guide that may be helpful to you.

I can also see that it can be exhausting to go through so many changes back-to-back. I'm wondering if there's anything you feel able to do to look after yourself?

If you're needing one-on-one support, we have a PeerChat service where you can chat to a peer worker who may have had a similar experience.

Looking forward to hearing from you! I hope you find the support you seek here!

yeah_it_tahtpersonPosted 08-01-2025 10:25 PM

yep its a much more expensive purchase than usual but it also heavily discounted haha


bit lost on what else additional to look after myself, id love to use PeerChat but I haven't been able to a book a session in ages

Marimo-ROPosted 08-01-2025 10:59 PM

I'm glad you were able to get a discount on a big purchase, it sounds like it has helped to alleviate some of the money stress around this workshop.  

It can be challenging knowing what to do for self-care sometimes, we have some articles here that could give you some ideas:
- Ways to chill for cheap

- How to be awesome at self-care

- 5 ways to declutter your mind

I also wanted to let you know that our PeerChat service is now under on-demand sessions. This just means that no booking is required for a chat and you can hop online during these times: Monday–Thursday 3pm–7:30pm and Friday 1pm–4:30pm AEST, to talk to the next available peer worker.

yeah_it_tahtpersonPosted 09-01-2025 05:58 PM

hey honestly i prefer the older variation of peerchat but will still check it out

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