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negative thoughts, negative food relationships, psych ward







im struggling mentally 

1. break up with my ex, as much as it was toxic it has made me feel negative about myself 

2. people saying horrible shit and bringing up my ex 


sometimes I just can't do it, I don't even want to get out of my bed yet I have to for school, which also doesn't help me at all mentally, they say they have support yet go and tell your parents then your parents gaslight you into being fine saying things like "you are fine, you have it easier than I did growing up".

i don't have an appetite anymore because I just can't bring myself to eat anything very often, ill eat when someone makes me food or if i need a snack but ill skip breakfast and lunch almost every day I'm home.


sometimes I wonder what it would be like to spend a little while in a psych ward because I need a break from my mentally distressing life and I just need to get away from people for a while

I cant tell anyone though because they will either not give a shit or care too much.


I'm so sick of this.

gay_disabled_humanPosted 27-04-2023 04:19 PM


Blueberry_KuduPosted 01-05-2023 07:09 PM

Hi @gay_disabled_human

Sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time. One of my best friends has been going through a similar situation to you and I feel for you and understand you. Do you have any hobbies or interests you can engage in to help or have a friend or family member to talk to about it? 

DDandyPosted 29-04-2023 03:50 PM

Hey @gay_disabled_human , I'm sorry to hear about your current circumstances.
It sounds like you feel unheard by the people around you and it's adding to the stress... No wonder you want to spend some time alone.

Has there been anything that has been helping you cope during these times? Even simple things like just listening to music or simply having a nap to get the thoughts out of your head.

I hope you get well.

gay_disabled_humanPosted 01-05-2023 04:09 PM

i physically cannot nap but i usually just turn on some music and just shut myself in my room for a while

Pho-ROPosted 01-05-2023 05:40 PM

@gay_disabled_human sounds like you are doing what you can to cope but that you're still feeling pretty overwhelmed. It's good you're here to talk about it, so you don't have to go through it all alone. It's really awful that you feel like you can't turn to your parents for support. I will echo what @Chloe-RO suggested - giving Kids Helpline a call or looking into the Peer Chat could be really helpful just in terms of having someone to talk to about what you're going through. 

ObsidianPosted 01-05-2023 06:38 PM

Hey @gay_disabled_human

Your exhaustion is very understandable and I can definitely see how challenging your circumstances have been for you. Piggy-backing off of @Pho-RO and @Chloe-RO 's suggestion, I would definitely look at calling certain helplines. I understand this can be hard because you wish to get away from people for a while, but having someone to talk to can definitely help with taking a lot off your mind. 

Chloe-ROPosted 27-04-2023 06:13 PM

Hi @gay_disabled_human ,


After reading your post, I can see how challenging things are for you, especially mentally. It sounds like there are so many who do not understand what is happening in terms of how you feel about the break up as well as yourself. I'm sorry this is affecting you in so many ways - appetite, mood, general wellbeing.


I hear you want 'time out' from your current mental state. Have you spoken to anyone such as Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800? or someone on ReachOut's Peer Chat?


I read you feel you cannot speak to people about it because you feel they don't care. I'm curious to know why you think they won't care? Whatever it is, what you are feeling is very real to you. Hence we want to support you as much as possible.

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