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Self Care Questions To Ask Yourself Each Day - Mindfulness

Hello everyone! 😊


It is my first time posting here, but I wanted to share some important self-care questions that hopefully you will find helpful. Practising mindfulness is so important. Life can be overwhelming at times, but being able to pause and take a moment out of your day to focus on yourself and the present does help.


If you feel like it, I would love to see more self-care questions we could ask ourselves daily in the comments! Or maybe explain how questions like these have helped you. 😁


Here are some questions to ask yourself:


  • How am I feeling right now?
  • What does my body need in this moment? Do I need movement, nutrition, rest?
  • What thoughts are passing through my mind? 
  • What am I grateful/thankful for?
  • What needs of mine are not being met? How can I meet these?
  • What is something I can celebrate today? (Big or small, it is worth celebrating!)
  • How can I be kinder to myself in this moment?
  • Am I honouring my boundaries?
  • What emotions are present in my body? Where am I feeling them?
  • What is one small step that I can take towards a goal I have?
  • Have I remembered to take breaks today?
  • How can I approach a current challenge of mine with a positive mindset?

The list goes on, but again, I would love to hear more examples from you all. 😺


Sending you good vibes,


- Matcha_Toad 💚

Matcha_ToadPosted 14-06-2024 09:07 AM


Green_GhostPosted 17-06-2024 07:15 PM

I like thinking of the things I have to look forward to!


"What things are coming up that i have to look forward to?" 😊

miso_soupPosted 14-06-2024 08:36 PM

Hi @Matcha_Toad

Thank you for sharing these! I really like 'what needs of mine are not being met? how can I meet these?' and 'how can I be kinder to myself in this moment?' These questions are such good reminders to practice self compassion and kindness.

Blueberry_KuduPosted 14-06-2024 08:02 PM

Hi @Matcha_Toad

Thank you so much for your post. All of these questions are so important but easy to forget if you are going through difficult times. I personally like the questions "what needs of mine are not being met? How can I meet these?" and "what is something I can celebrate today?" out of that list. 🙂


Meeting your body's needs is important whether it be physically/mentally/emotionally through needing extra nutrition, exercise, time out to destress or needing to socialise. Listening to your body helps with this

Tulip_BatPosted 14-06-2024 12:58 PM

Hey @Matcha_Toad 😇 welcome to the community! 


This is such a great post to start the arvo with - one question that really resonates with me is: "What emotions are present in my body? Where am I feeling them?"


I often find that when I'm stressed or anxious I don't really "feel" those emotions until I do a quick body scan and realise I'm holding a lot of tension in my face/jaw or that my hands are trembling. This used to catch me off guard a lot when I was younger until I incorporated these daily check-ins (sometimes lots of times in a day if it's a difficult one) into my routine. Now it's basically second nature to pause, have a little wriggle and get in touch with where my head's at!


Another question I like to ask myself is: "What brightened my day today?"


When life gets tough (or even just a bit monotonous) I think it's natural that the hardest parts of our day are the ones that stick out the most. Because of this, I like to do a rewind of my day before bed and try and pick out a bright moment to reset my mind a little while I go to sleep. Sometimes it's just noticing someone's cool outfit in the street or my cat sitting next to me on the couch, but if it caught my attention then that's good enough! I think making a conscious effort to end the day on a positive note (even if it doesn't feel like much in the moment) is a great way to check in with ourselves and encourages us to look out for the things that bring us joy🤗

LilacLeopard14Posted 14-06-2024 11:54 AM

Hi Matcha_Toad! 


It's so nice to meet you 👋 I love these questions! my personal favourite is "what am I grateful/thankful for today". I keep a gratitude journal so I can write down my answers each day, but I am definitely going to add in some of these too 😊


another one I use sometimes is "what have I learnt today?", sometimes we see and hear so much that I like to acknowledge that everyday is a new opportunity to grow and experience new things, no matter how small 💗

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