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So you've found yourself at the ReachOut forum - What is it all about?? 



In a nutshell, the forum is an online space for people aged 14 - 25 who live in Australia, to talk about anything and everything.


Sign Up here to get started posting and liking. But also feel free to just browse and read. 


You can post about all sorts of things:  

  • Share tough things you're going through over here  and receive support from others.
  • Chill out and play some games here!
  • Talk about relevant issues like exams, relationships, employment, friends  - over here

Not sure where to start?:  Head here and say hi!


If you are a young person, you can offer some much needed help and support to others on this forum. Sometimes life can be really tough - and people come on here looking for support, a listening ear, and some understanding. If you're up to it, reply to other's posts with some kind words.  You can make a real difference in someone's life . Heart 


We have a few guidelines, like staying anonymous. Check out the rest of the community guidelines here before you get started. 


It's important to remember that this is not counselling or a crisis service - if you/someone you know needs urgent help, or you want to talk to someone now click here. 


The journey of a forum member looks something a little like this: 


Forum journey.PNG


Who is running this thing?? 

There are paid staff from ReachOut (like me!), who you will see around the forums. We keep an eye on what's happening, and make sure the forum is safe and supportive for everyone. 

There are our volunteer mods (aged between 18 - 25) who are trained in peer support by Reachout- you will see them all over the forum responding with support and compassion, running regular discussions, and being awesome. They have insights into getting through the weird and wonderful time of being a young person, and will always have your back!  If you want to read directly from the mods what it's like being a mod, or have some questions, go here to find out more.


There are also our volunteer builders  - this is the stream of volunteers before becoming a mod. They also receive training by ReachOut, and you'll see them giving out incredible support.  CLICK HERE if you want to find out more about becoming a builder!!


Any questions? Feel free to ask in this thread by clicking reply. 
The best thing to do is to get looking! Browse the forums, and get involved! 





gina-ROPosted 30-08-2018 10:54 AM


YungFury_Posted 08-05-2020 01:23 PM

I just have 1 question:
How come I and some other users can't put their own profile picture?

nuci96Posted 15-12-2018 07:52 PM

How do i post on a forum though?? i don't see any 'new message' link they talk of in the FAQ's. I know how to reply n that's about it 😕 

TOM-ROPosted 15-12-2018 08:25 PM

Hey @nuci96 welcome to ReachOut! It's great to have you with us 🙂 

To write a new post on site, first pick a forum that you think best matches the topic you want to write about (like Hanging OutEveryday Life StuffSomething's Not Right) and then from there in the top right hand corner of the screen next to the yellow options button, there should be a blue button called "Start A Topic". Once you hit that you'll be able to start your own thread 🙂 


- Andrea

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