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NAIDOC week Facebook Live and Ask a Pro: Live discussion with Career Trackers (July 8th 2019)

Facebook Live and Ask a Pro Live Chat with Career Trackers for NAIDOC Week 2019
This NAIDOC week, ReachOut Australia is partnering with Indigenous Internship Program Career Trackers to host a Facebook Live event to discuss what this year's theme of "Voice. Treaty. Truth" means to three young Aboriginal leaders, and why it is important to young people. EY, as partners of both ReachOut and Career Trackers, are generously supporting this event.
NAIDOC Week 2.jpg
We will be chatting live on Facebook from 6pm Monday July 8th and then continuing the conversation on the forums for our Ask a Pro Live event (aka: Infobus!)
Through our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, ReachOut had a goal to explore opportunities to partner with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations to support NAIDOC Week activities. After attending the Career Trackers Gala Ball to support our intern Angel, we recognised that Career Trackers has a network of young Indigenous leaders and that there were opportunities to amplify their voice online, to educate both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
Who's on the panel:
  • Bianca Hunt: Indigenous Engagement and Partnerships Coordinator, Career Trackers Alumni (see a video we filmed with Bianca here)
  • Angel Armstrong: CareerTrackers Intern with ReachOut
  • Ganur Maynard: Career Trackers intern with King & Wood Mallesons, Westpac and Herbert Smith Freehills

We are looking forward to speaking to these incredible leaders! Got a question for the panel?

Submit your questions here


Interested is some further reading? Read the full Uluru Statement:

Jess1-ROPosted 25-06-2019 11:34 AM


letitgoPosted 28-06-2019 05:35 PM

I'm so looking forward to this. Thank you for hosting it! 😄

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