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Nominate someone for a Friday Five!

Hey guys,


So we've had a link to this form posted in the Builders section for a while now, but I wanted to share it with the whole community because obviously not everyone is a Bob/Mod (which is totally fine! It takes all sorts of people to build a community). It's a nomination form for the Friday Fives which we try and do each week to point out the awesome things people have done.


Seen something awesome on the forums? Tell us about it here! (bonus points if you include a link to a GIF :P)



lokifishPosted 09-02-2017 08:09 AM


_daisyPosted 10-05-2018 02:53 PM
What exactly are the "friday fives"? Just curious😊
BeePosted 10-05-2018 03:25 PM
@_daisy Friday Fives are where we give acknowledgement of awesome posts we see on the forums through a High five in a weekly thread 🙂
We might nominate someone for a high five for taking an awesome step in their journey, such as seeing a mental health professional for the first time or completing something that has been really hard for them, or posting something so awesome and funny that we love so much. It can be ANYTHING! 🙂 It's a way to say we see you and we love your contributions to the forums 🙂
_daisyPosted 11-05-2018 04:45 PM

@Bee thankyou for explaining!  Awesome idea I love it, so positive😊

BeePosted 13-03-2018 05:47 PM
Remember to nominate someone for a Friday Five 🙂
(Link to form is in first post)
j95Posted 09-02-2017 10:26 AM

Ahh I've been looking for this for ages haha thanks 

Ben-ROPosted 27-03-2017 02:44 PM

Now with a shiny new integrated form! - how fancy!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 27-03-2017 03:05 PM
Oooh it is fancy! Nice 😄
lokifishPosted 29-03-2017 12:30 PM

@Ben-RO Oh wow! I was like "why did Ben edit my post?" hahaha but then I saw it. So awesome! 😄

Trikle Trade
Trikle TradePosted 09-10-2017 10:36 PM

Oho it is fancy! NiceSmiley Very Happy

BeePosted 28-12-2017 09:43 PM
Remember to nominate someone for a Friday Five if they've done some awesome on the forums! 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 12-02-2018 06:27 PM
In case anyone is wondering, here is where you can find the form for nominating someone! Just scroll up 🙂

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