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Embarrassment Overload

Ok, so I have been struggling a lot with my mental health, confidence, and anxiety lately, and my friends know this. But yesterday, one of my friends (we'll call her s), went up to this guy who I'm friends with (r), and yelled out to him 'hey r!' then another guy comes over (J), and yells at me 'i knew it! I knew you liked r!' Then r, and 2 other guys come over, and they keep telling at me 'when are you gonna kiss him huh?!' I told them I didn't like him, but none of them believed me, and s said 'i would tell you, but she just said to not tell you.' So now it has been spread around the whole school, and the whole school thinks I have a crush on r, which, by the way, I don't. R has messaged me multiple times asking if I have a crush on him, and I don't want to answer because he will think I'm lying if I say no. I stayed home from school today, because I just can't face everyone. The worst part is, the same thing happened to s the other day, and she knows how bad it hurts, and then she just went and did it to me. I can't avoid r, because we are in the same class, and sit next to each other on the seating plan. I don't know what to do, please help.

Poppet21Posted 19-10-2023 01:30 PM


Stormy-ROPosted 19-10-2023 03:19 PM

Hey @Poppet21 it's nice to see you back on the forums. I'm really sorry to hear what's going on for you in your friendship group. For your friend to spread a rumour that you like r right in front of you and then make it difficult for you to say anything in response is so hurtful. The fact that it's also happened to her and then she did it to you also makes me wonder why she would do it in the first place. I can imagine that even if you know that it's not going to be what everyone talks about forever, the embarrassment and hurt would make it really hard to go to school. Have you ever had this kind of thing happen with this friend? If you felt like you could have this conversation, we have an article on how to tell a friend they've hurt you. Maybe working through it with s could help you to manage things with r.


I also saw that you and r sit next to each other and this is making you not want to go to school. It's incredibly difficult to go to class when you already feel anxious and are struggling with your confidence. I wonder if this keeps happening, if you could talk to a teacher and ask to sit in a different seat? I also wanted to know if there is anything else you can do to look after yourself before you go to school tomorrow?

Poppet21Posted 19-10-2023 01:36 PM

Sorry, I don't know if this is the right place to post this in. Also, sorry for the long explanation, and for it not making much sense.

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